
Okay. I have some goals. I always heard with having a baby, it's nine months on, nine months off. Well, I am quickly approaching that second nine month mark where it should just all fall off, right? I'm losing hope that it will just fall off at the nine month mark. So, I'm enlisting the help of all my girlie friends who have had babies to help me in my journey. Well, even my girlie friends who haven't had babies, I just know it's way different after you have the little treasures! Here's how it goes. I need to lose 20 lbs by the first part of December. Adam has an awards banquet every year and it's formal. I want to be able to get a new outfit and look and feel really great in it! That will be a really big accomplishment for me!! My ultimate goal is to have lost 40 lbs by beginning of summer next year. And I want to do it safely and healthily so that it stays off and I can maintain it! I've had troubles with my back and I want to lick them before they lick me! I want to get into the best shape I have ever been in so I can do the things I love to do without risking my back. I don't want to stop doing things I love just because I have a bad back. So, I'm ready to start managing my back and strengthening it but I need a little supervision. I just need you to help me make sure I do it! My cute husband, bless his heart, wants to support me but is so afraid to hurt my feelings. At this point, the only thing that is going to hurt my feelings is not being able to do the things I want to do!!! So help me! What are your secrets, what advice do you have? What kinds of things have you found, simple or hard, that have helped you curb the appetite and not just snack? I think that's my biggest problem. I love to snack! Anyway, leave your comments and advice. I love it all!!!! Thanks and wish me luck!!!


Spencer Froerer said...

Hey Jen, We are on the same path. I am struggling too. :( I have a second blog dedicated just to achieving my goals, I'll send you a link. It's got all my ups and downs, but I hope it will at least give you some ideas :) GOOD LUCK. (The first thing I had to do, was find some really good motivation. Sounds like you've got that!)

Mandy and Lorin said...

I didn't know you guys had a blog either! Your little one is getting so big, what a sweetheart! On the getting fit thing, I found the best ways for me to eat healthy is 1) just don't have the junk food in the house!, 2) drink water every time you want to just snack on something. It helps keep your mind off of it, 3) know what you SHOULD be eating instead. If you go to www.fitday.com, you can set up a free online nutrition journal that will let you know what areas you are lacking in. This really helps a lot also by writing down everything you eat. It really makes you not want to eat so much junk. And as far as losing the weight, your biggest help will be cardio (plus nutrition). Do some sort of cardio for at least 45 min 3 times a day. I know, hard with a baby, but you can find creative ways to get that cardio in. And you feel so much better when you do. Don't forget to squeeze some toning in too (abs, arms, etc). Good luck! Lorin would be able to tell you a lot more than me, so send him a message on facebook.

Mandy and Lorin said...

I didn't mean doing cardio 3 times a day. I meant 3 times a week!! Ha ha, sorry to scare you! :)

Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

You are so great for finding me! I was so excited. I had no idea who was leaving a comment until I linked in to you. That was fun!
Logan is beautiful(but you already knew that). So you are Air Force as well, welcome to the military family! I can say that because we have been in for 8 and a half years. Send me an email at hollienboys@yahoo.com, then I can ask you all those nitty gritty's about where you are and such! SO excited that you found me. I was unpacking--still--a couple weeks ago. Saw our yearbook and had a little moment of memories. :) So that was funny that you should pop in with a comment. Anyway, I could go on forever..send an email! Look forward to hearing more from you.

Unknown said...

ok the only advice I have for you is to stop hanging out with us! grannie annies and bowmans lunches are not helping. But to support you I will vow to eat an apple or a salad any time you do. I do not want to gain another 50 pounds with this pregnancy!

Logan's Mine said...

Hi!!! I know, I really should stop hanging out with you two! Oh wait, no I shouldn't. That wouldn't be any fun. I'm excited to exercise and lose weight while Adam's gone! I'll look good when he gets home!!! Yay!