
So, um, this is the little car I bought right when I got home from my mission. I mean, like, 3 days after I got home. We are trying to sell it now because we are pretty much just outgrowing it and we need another safer car. We had a guy interested in it a couple of weeks ago and when Adam went to show it, I got really sad. I didn't think I had become so attached to it. I mean, it's a car for Heaven's sake!!! But it's my car. My first car. Oh, it was traumatic. He didn't end up buying it. Which was a relief to me because I get to see it in our little parking stall for a little bit longer. But it's also not such a relief to my cute husband who knows that the longer it sits in OUR stall, the longer we are responsible for paying for the imminent repairs!!! Thank you, The Tiki. You have been such a great car!

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