
Okay, so I have been called as the Primary Secretary in our ward here in Oregon. I'm super excited because the rest of the presidency is made of a lot of the women I have already met and have become friends with. So that makes it nice. Anyway, today I went in to kind of figure out what I was doing and try to learn the kids names for the roll and such. Shouldn't be super hard, I'm pretty good with names and there aren't tons of kids in our ward. So, Im trying to talk to the first counselor and Logan is squirming everywhere all over my lap. The horror begins. Do I let her off my lap to run wild in the primary room and become on of those mothers I can't handle? Do I hold her on my lap and continue grunting as the sister and I chat and Logan steps on my full bladder? What do I do? So I let her down for a few minutes. That quickly became totally pointless because then I kept having to go return other kids' shoes she had brought to me and put on my lap. Anyhow, the sister I was chatting with went to the nursery room to take roll while I "held down the fort." She wanted to leave me with a task, can you tell? :) When she came back a few minutes later, she whispered in my ear, "They only have 3 kids in nursery today and said that you are more than welcome to take her in there if you would like." I don't think I let her finish her sentence before I was scooping up Logan and heading to the nursery. I have been DYING to take her to the nursery because she is SOOOOO wriggly and non-stop all through church. I often wonder why I bother getting ready and going to church in the first place sometimes! So, she walked right in and started playing with the kids and toys, which I knew she would do. I walked right out and back to the primary room and I think I may have had a slight bounce in my step... It was a great moment. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Logan, but she is exhausting and I love it when either Adam is watching her (who by the way was on duty today and not just slacking on his fatherly duties:)) or I can let her play and not worry about being a mom who just lets her kids do whatever and doesn't watch. Oh, I love nursery. I may have to send her back next week. I might even start getting up earlier on Sundays and looking even better because now I know it may not be in vain! Maybe I'll even wait to have two. . .JUST TEASING!!! Anyway, I had to blog about that. Enjoy your Sunday folks. Oh, yeah, she is asleep. I think I may go take a nap. I hope your Sunday is as restful as mine!


Azteroth said...

Congrats! I'm so excited to get Monkey into nursery. I love being the Primary secretary though, it's the perfect calling for me, I think. :)
If you ever want ideas I'd be happy to share!

Ashley Schill said...

Funny post! That's nice they let you put her in nursery so you could get a break! I have to admit that reading all of that made me terrified for the changes that will soon be coming in our house! I know it will be great but it will also be an adjustment!

Spencer Froerer said...

lol! I thought for a minute I was reading about Zach! ;) Right before we moved, I was made the PRIMARY SEC and had exactly the same experience. I say don't feel guilty at all for puttin her in the nursery, if they will let you! He's already going to the nursery in our new ward too :D
Love ya girl!